Alarm (Fast response system using Dash buttons)
alarm is a command and client system procesing pushes of dash buttons as "alarm signal". It is designed to deliver fast responses of the clients to the triggers. The propagation delay is usually just a few seconds, almost independently of the number of clients (until you reach the limits of the hardware).
alarm is free software as in free to "use, study, share and improve". Usage is completely at your own risk. codecivil cannot be held responsible for any damages to hardware or personal injury while and by using this software. While codecivil puts every effort into supplying a safe and fully functional software, bugs are not completely avoidable at this time.
The audio files shipped with this software are recorded by Joseph Sardin. The licenses are: Copyright: 2016 Joseph Sardin <> License: CC-BY-4.0
The software and installation instructions are found on [1].
coming soon